The XBox 360 is expensive and powerful. Does yours not do enough for you, or do you just want to give it a cool new look? Mod it! This three-part video will teach you how to do a pretty intense case m ...
Not being much of a video game buff, I haven't been in the loop when it comes to the enormously popular game Red Dead Redemption. Apparently the game is completely dominant in video game sales. Since ...
This is a cool little trick that you are sure to use. In this glitch tutorial for the hit game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you'll find out how to perform the unstoppable claymore glitch. It comes ...
In this tutorial for the hit game, Red Dead Redemption, you'll be going after the Austin Overpowered achievement. It nets you a sweet 25 points to add on to your gamerscore must be completed by doing ...
This next tutorial is one that will definitely have you using the Fal over some other weapons. This glitch video shows you how you can have an automatic fal gun. This comes in handy since this gun can ...
If you're a big fan of the Skate series, hold on to you board. This next tutorial is going to show you how to perform a super jump in the Skate 3 demo. It seems relatively easy to perform, but it is a ...
If you haven't tried it yet, the Skate 3 demo is pretty wicked. Not only are you able to complete various challenges and tasks, but you can also do a bunch of different glitches as well. This one in p ...
If you have played the demo for Just Cause 2, then you might want to try out this next little trick or glitch. In the video, you'll find out how to perform the grapple barrier glitch. It requires that ...
It's time to prepare to fight for your life! In this tutorial for the hit game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you'll be finding out how to get an instant riot shield kill. It's a really easy trick o ...
If you loved the first Crackdown game, you're going to love Crackdown 2. This fun, shooter/action adventure game hasn't been released just yet, but the demo certainly has been. In this tutorial from ...