Xbox 360 How-Tos

How To: Make a Call of Duty Black Ops emblem on your PC

Video game controllers are designed for just that: playing video games. When you try to use them for other things it seldom works well, and making custom Call of Duty Black Ops emblems is no exception. Fortunately, this video is here to teach you about a free web app you can use to make custom emblems on your PC with a mouse, which is much better suited to the task. It also allows you to use more types of images and textures from Photoshop and elsewhere.

How To: Practice proper gaming etiquette playing online in Black Ops and other games

The concept of video game etiquette is foreign to many people, including a disgraceful number of frequent gamers. The combination of anonymity and role-playing in online games can lead people to be dicks in all sorts of obnoxious ways, making a fun activity distinctly less fun for everyone. Watch this video to learn about proper online gaming etiquette in the context of Call of Duty Black Ops. These lessons extend to most games, however, and practicing them will results in people liking to pl...