Nightcap: A good drink is just what the doctor ordered. Walk to the glowing view point at the top of the tower and synchronize to fill out part of your map. Afterward, you're left to take a leap of ...
Sibling Rivalry: Brothers are always a pain in the butt, but so are sisters. Immediately, Federico challenges you to a race to the top of the church. You can simply run up the face of the building, ...
Boys Will Be Boys: This is the very first problem for you to solve in the video game. You're dropped into your first mission, which requires you beat up a lot of dudes. Be sure to lock onto an enemy ...
If you want to die in style, check out this video for a tutorial on how to use the javelin to serve as a martyrdom utility! If you succesfully do this exploit, your player should explode when being ki ...
The javelin glitch in Modern Warfare 2 is currently being exploited for great and evil purposes. Watch this video to learn how to take advantage of this glitch, for both the XBox 360 and the PS3. Fair ...
In Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2, there's a glitch that you can take advantage of when you have both a javelin and a grenade in your hands. Modern Warfare 2 is pretty much the game of the moment, o ...
This video is a quick and easy guide on how to unlock the Ghost achievement in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in the Cliffhanger mission. If your goal is to get this achievement, it's recommended th ...
The Sniper Fi spec-ops mission in Modern Warfare 2 requires teamwork in order to complete. You should have one partner covering the main enemies, while the other guy watches the ladders and nearby en ...
If you're a collector, you've probably found yourself collecting enemy intel in Modern Warfare 2. This video shows you how to get all of the intel in Act 3. You are shown all of the intel locations ( ...
This is part 1 of 2 on how to complete the Takedown mission and get the Tag Em And Bag Em achievement. The Tag Em And Bag Em achievement is earned by completing the Takedown mission, so check out thi ...