How To: Connect to XBox Live with a laptop running Windows XP

Connect to XBox Live with a laptop running Windows XP

Follow the steps outlined in this video to learn how to connect to XBox Live using a laptop running Windows XP. The first step is to connect the XBox with the laptop by using an Ethernet cable. When they are connected you have to click on Start and select 'Connect To' and then 'Show all connections'. Select both the Wireless Area connection and the Local area connection icons by highlighting both of them. To do so hold the Ctrl button until they are both highlighted. At this point right click on any one of them and select Bridge connections from the little menu that appears. Allow some time till the bridging process is ready and the corresponding icons appear. Sometimes you may have to disable the firewall. To do so click on Start, and select Control Panel. Select Security Center. A window will come up and you have to select Manage settings for Firewall so as to tick the Firewall button off. You may also opt to use another method, where you click Start, select Connect To, and then click on Show all connections. Afterwards right click on Wireless connections and select Properties. In the window select the Advanced tab and then click the first box or both depending on how it will work for your system.

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