Destroy Black Ops Noobs
First of all, these tips are great for any consoles that run Black Ops. Whether it be your Sony PS3, Nintendo Wii, XBox 360 or your PC.
Step 1 Internet Connection
Before you put the game in to your console, make sure that your internet connection is consistent. I say consistent because you can have great internet speeds or you can have horrible internet speeds, and for both, the online experience for this game in particular can be frustrating. To reduce the amount of lag that you receive it's best to have the lowest amount of ping or latency. A great website to check this data is This website will let you know what your ping is and it will also let you know you know if you have any packet loss. After it gets done testing your connection, it will then give you a letter grade based on performance.
Step 2 Know the Maps
I can't stress to you how important it is to know all your surroundings when competing online. This is the largest detriment to what makes you a great player. The best way to become familiar with every map is to honestly just play them. Figure out which surroundings are the best for cover, where the enemies are likely to spawn, and where the most action is for each map. Also when running and gunning, don't jog around like a chicken with its head cut off. Stay on the outside of the maps and look in towards the center. This will give constant coverage from the border side of the map.
Step 3 Choosing and Using the Guns
Most COD franchise gamers would agree that Black Ops has the most balanced selection of guns to choose from. While some like the balance, others wish it was more like Modern Warfare 2 because of the more unique gun strengths. In Black Ops, it takes more skill to kill the enemy.
No more spraying and praying with stopping power. You have to aim more precisely and use burst shots from long distance. Holding down the fire button instead of using the burst method will cause your weapon to kick and throw off your aim.
Choose a gun that fits your play style. For example: If you're using the lightweight and marathon perks, you're probably going to be using an SMG, not a Sniper Rifle. All of the different gun types work well with certain perks. It is up to you to find the certain setups that work best for you in certain maps and situations. Mix it up, there is no "one gun" that is the best for every scenario. Pick a gun that you're comfortable to use for the types of gunfights you take part in.
Adding different attachments to your guns can greatly determine whether you live or die. Become comfortable with the iron sights for your gun. This will allow you to use the attachment on something else that will surely benefit you.
Step 4 Kill Streaks
Enable kill streaks that you are comfortable achieving on a regular basis. Don't select the gunship if you know you can't get 11 kills in a row. Remember that the kill streaks in Black Ops don't piggy back themselves to help you reach a higher more desirable one.
Most people take the spy plane for granted. For only three kills this will allow you to see enemies on the radar which is a HUGE advantage. Always have this equipped as one of your kill streaks so that not only you, but also your team, can reap the benefits.
- AK74U with the rapid fire attachment is awesome. Some may say that it's overpowered.
- Get the Pro Versions of the perks you like. This will help a lot.
- Sleight of Hand Pro is one of the best perks.
- Play in teams with people you know and can communicate with. Easier than going solo.
- Never run around corners or into unknown entrances.
- Be ready for the unexpected. Anything can happen.
- Chucking grenades helps at the beginning of matches. Could result in multiple kills.
- Crouching increases accuracy for all guns. Laying down increases it even more.
- Use cameras, claymores, motion detectors, and other equipment wisely.
- Always make sure you have a full clip of ammo before attacking the enemy.
- Check the lobby leader board to see what competition you're up against. If their k/d ratios are high, leave and find a new, more comfortable selection of players.
- If in a situation to run up and knife an enemy, shoot him instead. This will save your life.
- If you run out of ammo fast, switch your secondary weapon with an enemies primary before you get low.
- You can now watch your videos to learn from your mistakes or you can watch other people's and learn their secrets.
Check out my other Article: How to Use Call of Duty Black Ops Killstreaks
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We don't have this game yet, but I can tell this would sure help reduce the learning curve. Thanks.
What's your favorite class setup?
Mine is the AK47 with the silencer attachment.
Sleight of Hand
My favorite is the Galil with the Suppressor and Red Dot
Perks are: Ghost Pro, Warlord Pro, and Hacker
I also like the ak74u with rapid fire.
Perks are: Lightweight pro, Sleight of Hand Pro, and Marathon Pro.
yeah ak74u with rapid fire,light weight pro, slight of hand pro, marathon pro l, i really like the set up my first try i hit 8 kill streaks and got 30 kills.
I prefer the 74 with Scavenger, slight of hand, hacker.
However, I'll take the Commando any day.
The Commando is awesome, it's one of my favorite guns. I also like the ak47 with the silencer.
Have you tried the G11? This baby rocks.
i personally do not like the G11, the M16 is better and acts the same, the Commando is my favorite gun the class i use is ak74u with grip and silencer the perks r scavenger warlord and ninja or marathon i like/use both the ak74u is my best class(so far) when i want to try something new i practice on my bros its helped me alot then i get a feel for the gun, my bros r pretty competitive. i hear the galil is a BEAST especially with the silencer, i dnt like cause of its iron sights and kick tht it produces even when i aim down the sights i see TONS of people running around with tht gun they just destroy me with it. i like ak as well but i have not found good attachments to use with it or perks
Not a fan of 3 round bursts, doesn't help when you run into half the other team, need full auto. I'm run and gun.
L96AW sniper rifle. Ghost, sleight of hand, and hacker. I usually use the aug but i realize i can own all day with that so i decided to perfect sniping because its just more exciting and insulting to own fools with a sniper rifle. :D
yea no doubt thts always fun, but its not always insulting when your not any good like me.
L96A1 and 74u and mp5 and famas and everything spas 12 and i like the m16 but yeah if you run into the other team youre done because that has happend to me and it sucks and i like the perks hardline and ghost and sliegh of hand and steady aim and hacker and ninja
Haha i havent really posted another comment in awhile. Im going MLG in a bit. we are just working out the kinks in our team so yeah. The best gun in the game in my opinion is the Famas with red dot. the gun stats may not be tht good but overall it is one of the best. geez i was such a noob back then, haha and i seem much more of a noob when i say that i have only prestiged 2 times. hey im proud of it. not everybody is super good if they are a higher prestige. Something you have to watch out for is like a group of ppl like in clan. some are good some are not. i usually get a lot of tips from them just by watching their gameplay.
this was good info but what are good perks and gun for Ascension because no matter what i cant make it to round 30 like my dad and he won't tell me?...
my most prob is those monkeys
mine best gun famas dul mag
perks light whight scut marathon
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