Do you have what it takes to join the elite and become a sniper? Maybe not in real life, but in a video game, you surely have the guts to become a military sniper. In Sniper: Ghost Warrior, you control a highly trained sniper, amongst a team of US Special Forces, as you try to control a military coup d'état (or just "coup") in the island of Isla Truena, which is a small fictional Latin Amercian country. Can you and your sniper team save the country from ruin?
This complete walkthrough from Mahalo covers the gamely for Sniper: Ghost Warrior on the Xbo 360, but it's also available for Windows. See how to beat the game, from training and missions, right to the ending credits.
Videos in this Sniper: Ghost Warrior walkthrough series:
Opening Sequence [1]
Prologue: Training Ground [2]
Mission 1: One Shot, One Kill [3-4]
Mission 2: No Man Left Behind [5]
Mission 3: Dangerous Ground [6]
Mission 4: Take Down the Rigs [7]
Mission 5: An Alliance to Save Rodriguez [8-9]
Mission 6: Weaken the Regime [10-12]
Mission 7: On Your Own [13-14]
Mission 8: A Simple Rendezvous [15]
Mission 9: Steal from Under Their Noses [16-17]
Mission 10: The End Is Near [18-19]
Mission 11: The Hunt Is On [20]
Mission 12: Steal from Under Their Noses, Part II [21-22]
Mission 13: A Marksman At His Best [23]
Mission 14: Guardian Angel [24-25]
Mission 15: The Showdown [26-28]
Mission 16: Seek and Destroy [29]
Ending Credits [30]
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