Dive (or more appropriately, soar) into another Tom Clancy video game on the Xbox 360— This walkthrough series for Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 covers the whole entire gameplay for the newly released sequel. Gun down countless MiGs, bomb enemy tanks and shoot down nuclear missiles before they destroy their targets! This video game is all about speed, battle and adrenaline. Try out this air combative flight simulator yourself, and see if you're not on the edge of your seat. Watch the full walkthrough for all 20 missions and know what you're getting yourself into!
Videos in this H.A.W.X. 2 walkthrough series:
Mission 1: Contact [1-2]
Mission 2: Training Day [3-4]
Mission 3: The Prisoner [5]
Mission 4: Interception Course [6-8]
Mission 5: The Rescue [9-11]
Mission 6: Oil City [12-14]
Mission 7: Thieves in the Night [15-16]
Mission 8: Seek and Destroy [17-20]
Mission 9: Desert Fortress [21-24]
Mission 10: Blackout [25-26]
Mission 11: Final Push [27-29]
Mission 12: Trans Caucasus Express [30-32]
Mission 13: Behind Enemy Lines [33-35]
Mission 14: The Truth [36-37]
Mission 15: Getaway [38-40]
Mission 16: No Room for Error [41-42]
Mission 17: Maelstrom [43-47]
MIssion 18: Amphibious Assault [48-53]
Mission 19: Stand-Off [54-56]
Mission 20: Last Stand [57-61]
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