In every nerd, there is a 12-year-old boy just dying to get out. This week, we bring you the ultimate in indulging your inner kid.
Make a penis card emblem in Call of Duty: Black Ops
The ability to make your own player card emblems in Call of Duty: Black Ops has led to a burst of creativity among gamers, and they've been making emblems of everything from Pedobear to Hello Kitty. But the first thing to get out of the way? The penis player card.
Make your own semi-automatic pen gun
The last days before the beginning of winter vacation are always a time for restlessness. Use that restlessness, and build yourself a useful weapon, like this semi-automatic pen gun.
Beam yourself up with Adobe After Effects CS5
Star Trek is still the classic when it comes to teleportation. To recreate the effect in your own work of art, you can do it easily with Adobe After Effects CS5.
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