Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
Farm achievements in Halo: Reach
Can't wait for Halo: Reach to come out next week? We've got an early treat for you. In this video, you'll be shown how to cheat the multiplayer settings of the game so you can rack up achievements like crazy.
Use Google Instant
Google Instant is one of the most amazing features that Google has launched. Instead of waiting 0.5 seconds for your search results, search results will start appearing before you even hit the return key, based on your past history. It's pretty fascinating. Just start playing around!
Make a working fake Glock
This fake Glock has a working trigger, slide and magazine lock, just like a real one. In this video, this redheaded kid gives you a very, very detailed tutorial on creating your own gun prop. Use this to play, to make your own version of Reservoir Dogs, but, please, don't bring it into a bank.
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