'Tis the season to be jolly, and what's more jolly then unleashing a torrent of bullet fire on the opposing team using a LMG emblazoned with a Santa Claus emblem?
I recently did an emblem roundup of superhero and villains for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, but now it's time to usher in some holiday spirit. So check out these awesome Christmas-themed Black Ops 2 emblems.

Santa Claus Emblem
The King of Christmas is looking to add some n00bs to his naughty list.
Santa Mickey Mouse Emblem
While Disney's little rodent 'cutes' everyone to death.
Christmas Tree Emblem
Hey, it sure beats having a real one, right?
Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo Emblem
Seriously, what else can you say besides "Hankey" and "Poo?"
The Grinch Emblem
Nothing spells death more than green eggs and ham. Wait... that's the wrong Suess story. Well, they're both green.
Frosty the Snowman Emblem
Just don't play in the Pakistan map, or Frosty might suffer a "Meltdown."
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Emblem
Classic, but not sure if it's a good idea to have a huge red beacon on your weapon, though. At least it doesn't blink.
Jack Skellington Emblem
A killer emblem for Halloween or Christmas, though, I think Jack likes eggnog better than pumpkin beer.
Bonus: Nightmare Before Christmas Emblem
Yeah, orange isn't really a Christmas color.
Looking for some more COD: BO2 playercard emblems? Check out these 12 totally kickass emblems and these 12 more badass ones—and don't forget those comic book characters.
What's your emblem look like? Share your pic in the comments below!
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