This is a video games tutorial where you will learn how to connect to XBox Live with your laptop for Vista and XP using a wireless network. Go to the Control Panel -> Network and Internet Connections ...
neversummer224 teaches you how to take apart an XBox 360 Elite without any special tools. This will void your warranty, so be careful once you start this process. You need a TORX 10 screwdriver, which ...
Take one end of the Ethernet cable and plug it in the back of the XBox, the other end of the cable you have to plug on your computer. On your computer go to Start and then go to My Network Places, now ...
CIA360MODS teaches you how to change the LED colors on your XBox 360 power brick. You need pliers, tweezers, a screwdriver, a soldering iron and smds. Unscrew the screws from the power brick and then ...
Achievement Hunter presents how to do power drift in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Cart Racing Part 1. To pick up the drifting achievement, all you have to do is drift for 15 seconds continuously. In order ...
WhatEverHD shows how to shoot your javelin using a turret in modern warfare 2. This is made possible by using a glitch in the system that allows you to use the turret as a mechanism of projecting your ...
First of all what you need to do is open up your network connections. Then you need to highlight your wireless connection and your local area connection. After doing this you need to bridge both of th ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play MKV and AVI files on an Xbox 360. Before beginning, users will need a Windows 7 computer and your computer and Xbox must be sharing the same network. ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to connect to XBox Live with a laptop. In your task bar, locate your connection and double-click it. Select Network and Sharing Center. In the tasks, select M ...
First you need a TR9 screwdriver. Take off battery cover and with a flat head screwdriver take off the little sticker in the bottom of the place where you put the battery. Take your TR9 screwdriver an ...