Active Xbox 360 Posts

The Schmupaissance: Gatling Gears and the Rebirth of Shoot-'Em-Up Games

Shoot-em-up games, or shmups, consist of lone or small groups of players shooting at and being shot at by hordes of colorful enemies. The genre is thought to have peaked in the mid-'90s, but recent games in the indie world may be saying otherwise. Geometry Wars and other twin-stick games kicked off the trend, but newbies Trouble Witches NEO, Outland and just-released Gatling Gears have brought some much needed originality into the modern shmup scene—making it something worth exploring again. ...

News: Video Game Landscape Brought to Life: A Real World Tour of "Fallout: New Vegas"

Following in the footsteps of great historical figures is a great way to learn about them. Michael Wood famously did so in the 1980's for his PBS documentary and book In The Footsteps of Alexander The Great. This March, UK-based marketing director Chris Worth completed a similar endeavor—not by tracing the path of a real-life emperor or explorer, but a humble video game character. One known simply as "The Courier".

How To: Farm a lot of XP fast in Brink

Check out this video to learn the best way to get as much XP in as little time as possible when playing Brink on PC, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3. If you are interested in farming experience to get to level 5, this video will show you how to do it.

News: 5 Alternative Uses for Your Xbox 360

Video games consoles have long wanted to be more than just consoles. Nintendo Japan called the NES the Famicom because they wanted to make it the sole family computer. Obviously that didn't work out, and most efforts to make consoles into all-in-one entertainment systems have had similar fates. Sony has done the best job with the Playstation consoles, probably because they have experience with other types of electronics that most video game companies do not.

How To: Mod Oblivion with Horizion

Would you like to mod Oblivion for Xbox 360? This video will show you how to do just that, using Horizon (download it here.) You'll also want to download Modio and WinRar. Using a USB drive you can mod Oblivion and improve your gameplay.

How To: Mod Borderlands for Xbox 360

This video will teach you how to mod Borderlands for Xbox360 using Willowtree. Level yourself up, give yourself a few more weapons, do whatever you feel like with this simple mod for Borderlands. Using a USB drive and your Xbox 360 you can mod to your heart's content.

How To: Earn the "Banshees, Fast and Low" achievement in Halo: Reach on the Xbox 360

One of the tougher achievements to get in Halo: Reach is the "Banshees, Fast and Low" achievement. To earn this one, you don't have to be "hero" or a "legend", but you can't be vapid either (easy mode), so stick with normal difficulty and you'll be fine. This video will show you the best way to hijack the banshee in the campaign mode on Halo Reach (Xbox 360) for those 25 Gamerscore points.

Outland: A Polarizing Experience

Sticking with our theme of XBLA games with uninspiring names, we have Outland. This game shares its name with an unrelated sci-fi cult film from 1981, unrelated comic strip from the '90s, and unrelated region in World of Warcraft. Didn't exactly try hard to build name recognition. Other than that, Finnish developer Housemarque has created the best 2D platformer I've seen in years.

News: Bullet Hell or Bullet Heaven? The Case of Trouble Witches NEO

The Xbox 360 is America's video game system. It was designed in America, it has better market share in America than anywhere else, and it has the most overtly macho game catalog of any console. For many Xbox fanboys, gaming heaven is shooting hordes of really well-animated things in the most intuitive way possible. Trouble Witches NEO - Episode 1: Daughters of Amalgam, released last week on Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) for $10 by Japanese developer Adventure Planning Service, is a typical Xbox 360...

News: Want a Next-Gen Old-School Final Fantasy Game? Go Cheap. Go Cthulhu.

I was raised in the glory days of Japanese RPG's (JRPG's) on the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest were the biggest game franchises, and real gamers could debate their merits endlessly. We remained engaged in the stories of the games, even though the soldiers, princesses and schoolchildren all had spiky day-glo hair. We waded through hours of randomly triggered menu-based battles instead of playing Doom or baseball. And we loved every minute of it.

Out Today: How to Play the Gears of War 3 Beta Version on Xbox Live

Gears of War fans around the world are excited (possibly drooling) over the upcoming release of the third installment in the series, Gears of War 3. There's a lot of hype about the game and its new features, which includes a 4-player co-op mode and a slew of new female characters. But there's one problem—it doesn't come out until September 20th. But for a lucky circle of gamers, the Multiplayer Beta just opened up today.

How To: Install LED lights on your XBox 360 console

Installing colored LED lights in the cases of various electronic devices is nothing new. People have been doing it to PC cases for years. THe XBox 360's massive size and power make it a particularly tempting target. This two-part video will teach you how to put some LED lights in the case of your XBox 360 console, making it look very much cooler. Impress your fellow gamers with this easy mod!

News: Hetero, Gay or Bi? Bed Your Soulmate in Dragon Age 2

When you grab a video game off the shelves, finding love is probably not your end goal. Most games focus on letting the player shoot guys, order other guys to shoot guys, or build houses. Mass Effect 2 comes closer than most titles to offering virtual romance, but the relationships are shallow and strictly heterosexual. I found whoring my way around the Normandy much more satisfying as a gameplay option than developing an emotional connection to another character.

How To: Make Your MW2 Perfect Circle Scratched Disc Playable On Xbox 360

Don't you just hate when you buy a new game and one day you play it, you somehow move your Xbox and it makes some horrible sounds so you hurry to get the disc out and see that it's got perfect circle scratches? That happened to me and I felt so bad about it and tried a lot of things to repair it but nothing helped. Then I got an idea that actually helped me.

How To: Raise your kill-to-death ratio in Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer

The ultimate measure of a Call of Duty Black Ops player, or player of most any other online multiplayer shooter, is their kill-to-death ratio, or KD. If yours is lower than 1 you're dying more than you kill, and you probably want to improve you skills and start doing some pwning. This video tutorial will give you a lot of great advice and tips on how to do so. These include class setups, sniping spots, and other awesome knowledge.

How To: Use a cheat / glitch to max out your armor to 100% in Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age 2 seems to have more awesome and easy-to-execute exploitable glitches than any game in a long time. It almost seem deliberate, which would be a really awesome move on Bioware's part. This video will teach you how to use a really simple inventory glitch to max out any character's armor stat at 100% in less than a minute. You will be almost indestructible, and you can stop whenever you want if you just want a more reasonable boost.

How To: Get the Enchantment Overload achievement in Torchlight for XBox 360

Enchanting items in Torchlight is one of the many Diablo-like elements that make the game so damn fun, but enchanting a single item 10 times to get the Enchantment Overload achievement is really hard for no reason other than that every time you enchant an item it has a chance of breaking. This means that the chance of an item making it through 10 enchantments are slim, making this a hard achievement to get. This video, fortunately, will give you some handy tips on getting it done without spen...