Xbox 360 Features

How To: Remove your Xbox 360's DVD drive

Should you ever have cause to remove the DVD drive from your XBox 360, this video will give you all the necessary information. Just follow along with these steps, and you'll learn everything you need to know about taking your Xbox 360 apart to get at the DVD drive.

How To: Walkthrough Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 on the Xbox 360

Dive (or more appropriately, soar) into another Tom Clancy video game on the Xbox 360— This walkthrough series for Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 covers the whole entire gameplay for the newly released sequel. Gun down countless MiGs, bomb enemy tanks and shoot down nuclear missiles before they destroy their targets! This video game is all about speed, battle and adrenaline. Try out this air combative flight simulator yourself, and see if you're not on the edge of your seat. Watch the full walkthrou...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C2, Dark Carnival - Concert

Don't let L4D2 get the best of you. Take control by checking out this video on Campaign 2: Dark Carnival - Concert. Grab your guns and go out the door. There is really only one path to follow, so move right around the venue until you reach the stage. Feel free to use up your ammo as there will be a refill when you reach the end. There are bathrooms to your right and left, but it isn't worth your time to search them. Clear out any zombies in the stage area. You must then flip the switch on the...

How to Walkthrough Batman: Arkham Asylum on Xbox 360

Batman is one of the most iconic comic characters in history, so no wonder the video game Batman: Arkham Asylum is more than a hit. If you want to see the whole game to learn some tips and tricks to gameplay, this playthrough video series from VIP2GAMING gives you everything, from start to finish, on the Xbox 360.

How To: Fix your broken Xbox 360 using the towel trick

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to fix an Xbox360 with the towel trick. This technique is for an Xbox360 that has the 3 red flashing lights on the power button and does not function properly. Begin by unplugging all the cables from the Xbox360, except for the power cable. Then turn on the console and wrap it in 3 towels. Leave it to heat up for 25 minutes. Now unwrap the console and turn off the power. Let it cool off for 15-20 minutes. This video will benefit those viewers who have...

How To: Defeat the sand boss Stygian in Darksiders

In this next tutorial, you're going to want to make sure you have plenty of time on your hands. That's because this boss battle is pretty long. You'll be going one on one with the sand boss Stygian. He's a giant, ugly worm that takes some time to defeat. On top of him, you;ll have to battle a bunch of enemies who are on foot.

How To: Edit your XBox 360 bio

If you're looking for a way to make your XBox 360 profile stand out from the rest, then look no farther. Check out this video to learn how to edit your 360 bio to better reflect your personality. Just copy and paste the grid below into Notepad:

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Destroyer - Fight Abaddon

Are you ready for the last boss fight in the Xbox 360 game Darksiders? Once you fight Abaddon in the Destroyer, you win, unless you lose. You'll now have to face Abaddon in his "normal" form. He is a powerful swordsman so you'll want to take the defensive route as he can block most of your basic attacks. Instead of attacking him, be patient and stand near him. You'll need to perform a Block Counter but simple tapping the Dash button (without hitting the directional stick) the moment before Ab...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Glyph Puzzle 7

This is about the 7th puzzle in Assassin's Creed 2. Keep on seeking, and you should find… in the first image set, the key word here is "red", so pick the images in which that color shines the brightest. In the second image, highlight the area to the right of Jesus’ hips to reveal a Piece of Eden. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

Quick scope in Call of Duty 7: Black Ops

Want to learn how to do quick scoping in BO? It's easy: use the variable scope and zoom in to the second or third level of magnification. Voilà. No more two-second delay when shooting. For a complete walkthrough of how to quick scope, watch this gamer's guide.

How To: Get unlimited mini-nukes in Fallout 3 using a glitch

If you're looking to get an unlimited number of mini-nukes in the game Fallout 3, this tutorial is what you need to follow. In the video, you'll find out what it takes to make sure you have the most powerful weapon in the game for you to use against the mutants of Fallout 3. It's pretty easy to follow and will ensure that you'll always bring a good amount of pain to any battle. Good luck and enjoy!

Beat Mirror's Edge Chapter 2: Jackknife Part 1/2

This is a video walkthrough for Chapter 2: Jackknife (PT. 1/2) in Mirror's Edge for the Xbox 360. The game has a realistic, brightly-colored style and differs from most other first-person perspective video games in allowing for a wider range of actions—such as sliding under barriers, tumbling, wall-running, and shimmying across ledges—and greater freedom of movement, in having no HUD, and in allowing the legs, arms, and torso of the character to be visible on-screen.

How To: Unlock the Arcane Warrior class in Dragon Age Origins

In this tutorial, we learn how to unlock the Arcane Warrior class in Dragon Age Origins. Turn on your game first, then you will need to learn how to unlock the class from The Presence in Brecilian Ruins. Once you learn how to do this, you will be able to unlock the class and advance to a new level. To unlock the Blood Mage, you will have to learn from the Desire Demon in Fade. To unlock the shapeshifter, you will have to learn from Morrigan. Finally, to learn how to unlock the spirit healer, ...

How To: Repair and replace the DVD drive in your XBox 360

In this how-to video, you will learn how to repair and replace an optical drive in an Xbox 360. This will be helpful if your current optical drive does not work anymore. Remove the drive from the actual Xbox. Also remove the chrome tray from the old drive. Take the screwdriver and remove the screws of the cover. Push the black tab, allowing the board to be removed fro the drive. Do the same with all the other cables. Now, do the same with the new drive. Replace the old board and reconnect the...

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: Drowned Pass

There's four shadow arena fights in this level of the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. In the Drowned Pass, there's the Counter Killer, Wrath of War, World of Pain, and Defender. The Drowned Pass features a deep lake in the middle of the area, a path that runs about the outer edge, and various hidden nooks and caves (some which can only be reached by swimming under water). Follow the path to the left. As you proceed along this path, keep an eye out for an opening along the right side. This will lead...

How To: Custom cut your XBox 360 disc drive

Modding you XBox 360 case is not for the faint of heart. There is a real possibility any time you take a saw to your Xbox that it isn't going to work afterwards. For those of you who have moved beyond the fear, watch this video. It will teach you how to cut your CD drive as part of a larger case mod so that you can see the CD spinning in the drive while you are playing. It looks cool, it may actually be cooler, what more do you need?

How To: Dress up your avatar on your Xbox 360

In this tutorial, we learn how to dress up your avatar on your Xbox 360 (Xbox 101). This is a great way to express yourself and change it up to match your mood or current obsession! First, go to 'myxbox' on your Xbox live dashboard. After this, select your gamer card and then select customized avatar. From here, go to 'change my clothes' and then choose the clothes that you want for your avatar. After you do this, make sure to save and exit on the main menu. To stand out in the crowd, go to '...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C3, Swamp Fever- Plantation

Make your way through the deadly plantation in L4D2. See the gameplay for Campaign 3: Swamp Fever - Plantation. Gear up and go outside of the safehouse. It will be light out. Mop up any zombies here and head straight ahead, bearing to the left. You will climb a small hill and see an opening in the fence. Check the sundries building on your left for items. Make your way through the rows of houses here towards the red two-story house at the end. Don't go inside the house, turn left right before...

How To: Get full knight armor in Dead Rising 2

Let's face it, there is nothing more badass than killing zombies in a mall with a little girl's tricycle wearing the full plate mail of a medieval knight. This video will show you how to set that up in Dead Rising 2 by getting all of the four pieces of the knight armor, which will together half all the damage you receive. Well, it shows you an awesome demo of the scene I described above, but to get the pieces simply do the following:

How To: Pick hard locks in Fallout 3

If you've been playing Fallout 3, you may have discovered that picking the locks in Fort Constantine is fairly difficult. Thankfully, this video clarifies how you can pick these locks without going through a bunch of bobby pins.

How To: Defeat Aster Protoflorian in Final Fantasy XIII

In this video, we learn how to defeat Aster Protoflorian in Final fantasy XIII. First, activate the aerosol to make yourself stronger. Now, switch over to medic anytime you get hurt from the monster. Take hits where you can and use your different tools to help attack him further. Slash and burn when you can, then use double doses. Libra him when you get a chance, then Libra him again and he will turn red. Now he will have different weaknesses, so watch out for these. The best way to defeat hi...

How To: Determine your Xbox 360 drive band

In this Video Games video tutorial you will learn how to determine what is the brand of your Xbox 360 drive. This is a very easy and simple process. There are four brands of drives in the Xbox 360. They are Hitachi, Samsung, BenQ and LiteOn. For this you need to take the face plate off and check the hole under the DVD bezel. If you see a red wire, it's a Samsung drive. If you see a piece of black plastic, it is a Hitachi drive. A gray wire indicates a BenQ drive and if it's a LiteOn drive, yo...