Active Xbox 360 Posts

How To: Find the Enclave Remnant Power Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

Power Armor that isn't faction based, mostly around the Brotherhood of Steel, is very hard to come by in Fallout New Vegas. Wearing faction based armor can have negative effects if you're traveling in the territory of a faction that doesn't like that faction, regardless of your standing with that faction. Now THAT's a mouthful! But, there is a suit of Enclave Remnant Power Armor laying at the crashed Enclave Vertibird. Check out this video for the location of the Power Armor!

How To: Earn the "Sightseer" Achievement in BioShock: Infinite

If you haven't heard the buzz about BioShock: Infinite, then you for sure are not cool enough to read this. We've been dishing out a few of the game's achievements and trophies, and we have another ready for you guys. While this one might not be as cool as the Heartbreaker or Aerial Assassin achievements, it still needs to get done. In order to complete the "Sightseer" achievement (or trophy), you're going to need to find and use 100 percent of the telescopes and kinetoscopes throughout Colum...

How To: Earn the "Industrial Accident" Achievement in BioShock: Infinite

If you enjoy merking baddies in BioShock: Infinite, then this achievement (aka trophy) should be a pretty fun one to go after. The "Industrial Accident" achievement is unlocked after killing 20 enemies with the Skyhook. In order to perform a Skyhook kill, you will need your enemy to be at low health and then press Y on the Xbox 360, Triangle on the PS3, and Space on the PC. It has been suggested to complete this achievement earlier on in the game since the enemies will naturally be a little e...

How To: Earn the "A Real Pistol" Achievement in BioShock: Infinite

BioShock: Infinite just came out today, and some people will no doubt play the game all of the way through with the object of beating the game. Others, though, will not only want to beat the game, but will want to earn every single achievement (or trophy) possible—and the A Real Pistol achievement is one of the very first (and easiest) ones you can get. In order to complete this task, you will need to kill 25 enemies with the Broadsider Pistol. You can pick up a Broadsider Pistol in the first...

How To: Earn the "Aerial Assassin" Achievement in BioShock: Infinite

BioShock: Infinite may have just come out today, but that doesn't mean there aren't some good walkthroughs for it already. If you're the kind of gamer that digs unlocking all of the achievements (aka trophies), then here's one for you—the Aerial Assassin. In order to complete this task, you will need to kill 20 enemies with the Skyline Strike. You will be able to pick up the Skyhook weapon (needed for the Skyline Strike) in the natural progression of the game; no need to go searching for it. ...

How To: Unlock the Hellish "1999 Mode" Early in BioShock: Infinite with These Secret Konami Codes

We all know about partying like it's 1999, but what about gaming like it's 1999? The folks over at Irrational Games, the studio behind the new BioShock: Infinite, which was just released today, decided to go a little retro and include a hidden game mode for the most hardcore gamers. By default, the game starts out with the normal Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulties, with "1999 Mode" made available only after you beat the game. But if you enter in one these secret Konami codes provided below, ...

How To: Hook up a Turtle Beach X41 headset to your Xbox 360

In this how-to video, you will learn how to hook up your TB X41 Headset to your Xbox 360. First, hook up the HDMI cable. From there, you must have a fiber optic cable and an Xbox 360 audio adapter. All you have to do is plug it in right above the HDMI connector. The black input is where the digital audio input goes. This is where you install the fiber optic cable. Run that into the transmitter. The transmitter sends the signal to your headset. By viewing this video, you will learn how to easi...

How To: Install XBox 360 memory unit drivers on your PC

The XBox 360 memory units were never very popular and have become even less so since Microsoft enabled the use of flashdrives with the XBox in the last firmware update. If you haven't updated your firmware or still want to make use of your memory units for modding, this video will teach you how to install drivers for your memory units on a PC so that they can access them and you can modify the contained data however you see fit.

How To: Gain Mass XP Using the Black Hat PDA in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Creating a class in Black Ops 2 is kind of like an art form. Every player has an insane amount of options for creating a character for all sorts of situations. Combining perks, with secondary weapons, and attachments allows for a wide range of killing options. But in order to unlock a lot of these perks and attachments, you need to gain XP. Gaining XP and collecting tokens is the lifeblood of the online gaming experience.

How To: Use a wired XBox 360 controller to play PC games

The wired XBox 360 controller are almost unused since the wireless controllers came out, but they still have one useful feature: they can be connected to a PC without buying the XBox wireless receiver for Windows! This video will teach you how to connect your XBox 360 wired controller to your PC, allowing you to play ROMs and other PC games with the pinnacle of console controller design.

How To: Remove your Xbox 360's DVD drive

Should you ever have cause to remove the DVD drive from your XBox 360, this video will give you all the necessary information. Just follow along with these steps, and you'll learn everything you need to know about taking your Xbox 360 apart to get at the DVD drive.

How To: Find the Atari Easter Egg in the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Map Nuketown 2025

One of the most popular (but smallest) maps in the first Call of Duty: Black Ops was Nuketown. The tiny map allowed for maximum death tolls, making it an awesome map to play (and die) on. In the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, that map returns in the form of Nuketown 2025, a futuristic version of the same level. It was available for free on November 13th to anyone who pre-ordered the game, purchased a launch copy, or purchased the Hardened or Care Package special editions of the game, thoug...

How To: Find the missing laser pistol for Knight Torres in Fallout: New Vegas

At some point in Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, you'll eventually find yourself in Hidden Valley, the secret location of the Brotherhood of Steel. After exploring their bunker, you may find yourself meeting with Knight Torres, the Quartermaster for the Brotherhood of Steel. She will tell you that she is missing a Laser Pistol from her last shipment and wants you to go look for it. Well, not just any old Laser Pistol will do, apparently— she wants something very specific. In this video, y...

How To: Teaching Nerds How NOT to Love with Silver Dollar Games

I am the sort of man whom game companies fall all over themselves to seduce. I'm sweaty, pale, awkward, and spend too much money on video games. There are many of us, especially among XBox 360 owners. We are the most stereotypically "gamer" group of console owners. The XBox 360 doesn't have motion control like the Wii or a blu-ray player like the Playstation 3. It just plays games really well. That's why hardcore gamers like me prefer it amongst all the consoles, and probably why Silver Dolla...

How To: Defeat the Nazi Zombies in Kino Der Toten on Call of Duty: Black Ops

Think you know all about fighting Nazi Zombies? Well, you're probably WRONG! There's much to learn about killing the walking dead, especially those Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty: Black Ops. And even if you think of yourself as a veteran zombie killer, you can greatly benefit from this two-part walkthrough of zombie annihilation in the Kino Der Toten map in Black Ops. You'll learn some good tips and strategies for destroying those dead Nazis! The best and most obvious strategy though is to cons...

How To: Use the Xbox 360 Internet browser with NXE update

This video tutorial from KaBoom215 presents how to use Xbox 360 Internet browser with NXE update.First you need to turn on your computer and make sure you have Windows Media Center on your Xbox 360 and your computer (preferably using Windows Vista operating system).From your computer, open Internet browser, search for mce browser, choose search result that says Anthony Park Software.Download MCE Browser from this site.Back to your Xbox 360 console connected to your computer, open Windows Medi...

How To: Make a custom map in Left 4 Dead

A map is a map is a map. Unless, of course, it's a map that you're using to navigate around Left 4 Dead. Having a customized map design lets you quickly find safety points, fellow players, and identify zombie locations so you don't, well, die.